Energetic, thoughtful, conciliatory, perhaps a bit too conciliatory, hopeful, and we all love Michelle. As the first 100 days of the Obama administration move forward, there is no doubt that some on the left are disappointed, and some on the right are hysterical. When was the last time we heard the word "secession"?
Overall, Obama is as complex a president as the situation requires. Certainly on the "anything is better than Bush" meter, Obama is doing great. The magnitude of the issues facing America and the world make the thought of even wanting to be president seem impossible.
Yet he seems to be thriving, taking up each challenge, unafraid of conflict among his staff, as reflected by how the decision to release the torture memos was made. There is so much to do that the traditional 100 days meter seems silly.
I can't imagine anyone better than Obama as our president now.
He is evocative, creative, charming, smart, articulate, and he has vision. At least after 100 days his glamour has diminished, because what we need to revitalize America is not an iconic leader alone, but a true grassroots movement that brings together coalitions who are serving the interests of community and not just individuals. We need to end the era of selfishness and greed.
Here are links to some interesting assessments.
The Nation, gives a photo essay.
The New York Times has five historians blogging with comparisons to other presidents.
Politifact.com rates Obama in the low 60s for promises kept in the first 100 days.
San Francisco Chronicle also compares Obama's moves with presidents past.
Even Judith Miller, disgraced New York Times reporter who planted stories about Iraqi ties to 9/11, blogs on Fox and gives Obama decent grades on national security decisions.
Foreign Policy has scores of analysts scoring Obama's first 100 days.
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