Yesterday I flew to Tucson for a wedding, and during the drive from the airport to the resort, some forty minutes away, my husband and I only saw one McCain-Palin sign. We are in Arizona! At each intersection, there were lawn signs for all of the local races as well as competing signs for the various ballot initiatives, including one like Prop 8, which would ban gay marriage. But it was as if this wasn't a presidential election year.
One would surmise, of course, that this being McCain country, he was a shoe-in. However, that is not true. According to this morning, although Arizona remains a "red" state, McCain is only ahead between 1-8%, depending on which poll and how recent. The two most recent polls, from October 29, put McCain only 1% or 4% in the lead.
Which led some of us to conclude that maybe we should be canvassing here this afternoon!
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