In just nineteen minutes today, Barack Obama established himself as the president elect. He threw out a little humor. When asked if he had spoken with all of the presidents, he named off the living ones and admitted that he hadn't done a "Nancy Reagan" seance. He also was asked about the puppy he promised his daughters and said he would like to get a shelter dog, a mutt like he is, although Malia is allergic.
But most importantly, Obama said that under our system of government, there is only one president, and President Bush remains at the helm until mid-January.
What expectations are we throwing at this mortal man? His choice of a pitbull without lipstick, Congressman and former Clinton adviser Rahm Emanuel might be a hint that he knows he needs protection. According to rumors he is keeping his campaign intimates--David Axelrod and Roibert Gibbs--close by. Unlike Bill Clinton who started appointments with cabinet positions, which got shot down with "Nanny-Gate" problems, and too much time for the Republicans to create doubt, Obama learned from Ronald Reagan, and is beginning with White House appointments, over which he has total control. Obviously, after running the campaign that he did, Obama knows how to choose and delegate.
I wish he would get a chance to sleep a little. Last night was my first real sleep in months. But he had his first security briefing, so he might never really be able to sleep again.
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