This morning while working out I was watching CNN. It was before seven eastern time. The segment was on what to do if one is worried that she is about to lose a job. One of the suggestions posed, and it was emphasized as the most important precaution to take, is to take home the Rolodex, the PDA, and the laptop and download all of one's business contacts as a precautionary measure. Those are the contacts that might lead to a new job. And security won't allow that kind of access after the pink slip is issued.
End of segment, roll to commercial. And guess what? The second commercial of the break was for CardScan, a device that scans business cards into computer contacts!
Is CNN selling commercial time according to its news? It seemed too coincidental to be unintentional.
For a wonderfully intelligent distraction with some of the most bizarre product placement, rent "War, Inc." a film produced and starring John Cusack and his marvelous sister Joan. Released in 2008, I don't know how I missed this one. But it brings new light to privitizing of war. Yes, there are more private "workers" in Iraq than American soldiers. Blackwater and Halliburton are the way to "War, Inc." It's dark, it's funny, and it's worth an evening.
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