There are some unintended consequences to the drop in oil prices. Yes, number 1 is that we can drive again, that the price of everything is dropping, and that we had a taste of what we have to do in order to save the planet, our water supply, and atmosphere.
Then there is the demise of Sarah Palin. Remember her? According to the Pew Research Center on the People and the Press, Tina Fey's characterization of Sarah Palin, especially her parody of the interview with Katie Couric, was responsible for the American public questioning her credentials to serve as vice president to a 72 year old man who was abused during his imprisonment in the Hanoi Hilton.
As governor of Alaska, now she has to deal with the fact that oil from Alaska is selling for as low as $30 a barrel.
Will she be able to govern when Alaska isn't rolling in oil dough?
And when is the wedding already?
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