Thursday, January 15, 2009

What Me Worry, Bush?

I decided to watch George W. Bush's farewell address. Within a minute or two, he mentioned 911. Did you see Jon Stewart's interview with Fareed Zakaria last night on The Daily Show?

Zakaria made a point of talking about how quickly the people of Mumbai returned to their ordinary lives, refusing to belabor the attacks, the involvement of Pakistanis, or the prolonged firefights. Here Bush and Cheney are almost like necrophiliacs with their obsession with 911.

I am listening to Bush and he is defending himself. This is not a farewell speech. This is an attempt to rewrite history. Only thirteen minutes long. This isn't about being disappointed about not finding WMD in Iraq. This isn't about making hard decisions. This is about making the right decisions!!!

Why hasn't he aged as much as past presidents? Because he hasn't felt the impact of the decisions made by his administration. The lack of reflection is criminal. Look at the presidents as they have aged, and notice that Bush's toll is far less dramatic. ABC News: Before and After.

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