The Pew Hispanic Center released a study this week that revealed that Hispanics living in America have the same concerns as everyone else: the economy, the state of public education, and health care top the list of most important priorities for the Obama administration. With Latinos amounting to half of the US population growth since 2000, we better start seeing our Hispanic residents as part of a whole, too, the whole of America. Latinos voted for Obama 67% to 31% for McCain. So now, even the Democratic Party has to pay attention to our neighbors.
Which brings me to Suffolk County, NY. Home of the hate crime as sport among young white teenagers with nothing much else to do. In addition to killing Marcelo Lucero, an Hispanic immigrant in Patchogue, a group of high school boys has been indicted for beatings of other Latinos. What is most disturbing is that Suffolk County police admitted that they didn't consider these other attacks as hate crimes, despite the fact that Latino men were the victims and the perpetrators were young white men. Ummmmm.
Words have meaning and the vicious xenophobia of Suffolk County executive Steve Levy has infected the Suffolk County police so that they are blind to the obvious.
We have a problem here.
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