President Obama on 60 Minutes tonight made me feel less hysterical, more confident, and reassured me that while he is only human, he is the best person to have in the White House at this time. I couldn't imagine John McCain giving the interview that Obama gave tonight. Relaxed, intelligent, clear, and determined, without being combative or partisan. Here is a link to the first portion of the interview by Steve Kroft, which wasn't hardball, although Obama had the opportunity to show his stuff.
Obama really is the "decider." When asked how many decisions he has to make daily, he couldn't say. The only people who get a meeting to see him are people who are faced with really difficult decisions, ones that need his input. His biggest frustration is that too many decisions are based on bad and worse options, because of decisions that were made before he got to the White House. He wasn't any more specific than that. Here is a link to the second part of the interview.
When asked about Dick Cheney's comments that his decision to close Guantanamo and to end "enhanced interrogations" is making America less safe, Obama was unambiguous in standing firm to American ideals of justice and international law. Cheney is obviously trying to turn the issue of whether he and Bush, along with Rumsfeld, Bybee, Yoo, and Rice, committed war crimes and violated American law, into a political issue and not one of criminal liability.
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