If Dick Cheney can take to the television waves just days and now weeks into the Obama administration and scold the young President for making America "less safe" by ending torture and planning the close of Guantanamo Bay, then Sean Penn can play Joe Wilson, the former ambassador, married to the outed CIA operative Valerie Plame in a new political film.
TheDailyBeast.com writes that the screenplay is based on Plame's book Fair Game, which included all of the redactions from the CIA's censors, virtually blacking out the entire text, and an addendum that was written by an independent writer from all public sources. That's where the story is actually told. Plame said that she had to stop speaking with the screenwriters, so they had to use their imaginations to fill in some information.
Plame will be played by Naomi Watts, and directed by Doug Liman, son of Iran-Contra attorney Arthur Liman.
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