What we now know is that Dick Cheney was at the heart of the smear campaign against Joseph Wilson, former ambassador, and husband of Valerie Plame, CIA operative, after Wilson wrote that the Bush administration cooked documents about Niger and yellow cake to substantiate a claim that Saddam Hussein was trying to make a nuclear bomb.
Despite Obama's attempts to block the release of the interview between Dick Cheney, then Vice President, and Patrick Fitzgerald, special prosecutor, some aspects have been made public. Truthout.org by Jason Leopold has an interesting piece, and leaves one wondering: now that President Obama has the "ring" like Frodo, is he being tempted?
What is the extent of appropriate executive privilege? One of the most frightening aspects of the Bush administration was the insistence by Cheney that the office of the presidency be shrouded in secrecy, so much so that policy making avoided the channels of the State Department and Pentagon, and the White House pulled the Office of Legal Counsel way off course.
Will Obama have the strength to return the balance?
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