Everything about this administration is improvised, reactive, secretive, and unauthorized. Since when does the Treasury Secretary have the legitimate power to loan a private insurance company $85 billion taxpayer dollars without collaborating with Congress? Now, let me see if I remember: all appropriations are supposed to initiate in the House of Representatives. Check your handy copy of the constitution, or click here, if you don't believe me.
No one knows what they are doing, you realize that, don't you? People are making decisions that will affect our lives for generations to come without going through any legitimate process. This is not the way to run a complex government. This is certainly not the way to control a free market economy. Oh, right, when the free market economy goes haywire from greed and racism, then we can have government regulation to protect investors, but not the people who are being forced out of the houses they couldn't afford to buy.
President, oops, I mean Vice President Cheney, according to all reports, improvised everything that happened post 911, without regard to the Constitution, the Congress, the Geneva Conventions, and protocols of government. He dodged the professionals and grabbed all of the power for the Executive Branch, through the artful legal maneuvers of his shadowy attorney, David Addington, except when he was claiming, because his only Constitutional role is to break a tie in the Senate, that he isn't really a part of the Executive Branch, but must be in the Legislative side.
And now reports from Alaska reveal that Sarah Palin and her husband Todd, also ignore law, truth, and the Alaskan Constitution in how she (they) has (have) governed.
Perhaps the next president of the United States should know the Constitution. Oh, right, Barack Obama taught Constitutional Law at University of Chicago Law School for over ten years. He might know a thing about the limitations on the power of the executive branch.
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