Who isn't in a state of high anxiety? This is not healthy. This is not healthy for anyone. I was walking from one meeting to another in midtown Manhattan on Thursday and passed by a large number of desperate people: there were the homeless, sick people shaking from hunger, and ranters as well as working people, like myself, who had lost confidence in everything.
This administration began with anxiety as we watched the drama of the 2000 Florida vote unfold. Now we know the vote was stolen by disqualifying a large pool of qualified voters, confusing ballots, and a phony sense of outrage that the entitled scion of Bush I might be denied the throne.
Then came 911 and anxiety took on new dimensions. Then anthrax, and those stories remain a study in how government failed to do the one thing that the Bush administration hasn't tried to privatize: national security.
Through some twisted logic the Bush administration kept everyone on high alert, code orange, code red, just to get reelected. Why?
I often believe that George Bush would have made a good commissioner of baseball. Then he could have just screwed up the American pastime instead of America.
Now our homes, if we have them, are devalued, our retirement funds are depleted and I haven't even retired yet, our children's futures are being burdened with an impossible debt.
And there are some folks out there who are still going to vote Republican?
Too much stress makes us stupid. It's a fact. Too much stress on a president, corporate CEO, is the major cause for leadership failures. Read this article and see.
I look at George W. and he looks terrible. Certainly he has been making terrible decisions. And they are hiding Cheney who doesn't quite believe in the constitution anymore, not since 911. Just the campaign has worn down McCain, who looks dreadful, especially standing next to his face-lifted wife, Cindy, and that shrill Sarah.
Who would want this job anyway?
Tonight I'm going to the movies!!!
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